“Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?"--Jesse Helms
We have too many politicians--men who govern by polls and fear the press and are bought by special interest groups--and too few statesmen--men of principle, men of backbone, men of courage, men of character. God rest his soul and in His grace give us more men like him.
Hm! I can comment, but it can't be private!?! Oh well, this will have to do for now.... So apparently there is no way to contact you otherwise. You know, it might be nice to have some kind of little comment form or something.
so he said "Compromise, *&(8&%$#!!" That's nice! That's a real nice thing to put in your blog! :) Well at least it didn't come from behind the "Sacred Desk"!!
I don't mind a statesman using a little salty language in a good cause. LOL
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