Here is an excerpt:
"Inclusivity has nothing to do with the foundational truths set forth in Scripture. The church, which belongs to no denomination, but to its Founding Father and His Son, is about exclusivity for those who deny the faith. The church is inclusive only for those who are adopted by faith into G0d's family. There are more biblical references to this than there is room to cite here, but for the Episcopal leadership, biblical references no longer have the power to persuade, much less compel them to conform. That's because Episcopal leadership has denied the teachings of Scripture in favor of, well, inclusivity, a word that appears nowhere in Scripture. Even if it did, Episcopal heretics — for that is what they are — would choose another word to make them feel more comfortable, since accommodation with the world seems to be a more important objective than the favor of G0d."And here is the link to the article: link
I get where he's coming from, collectively as a church you need to have order. Individually, we have to understand the lost are blind, as we all were. Gods desire is that all men come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Heaping condemnation on them isn't going to do it. Our salvation came first. prospering in our souls comes after. For the religious the new testament is just a new set of rules. They don't truly understand what happened on that cross.
I'm sorry to say but its folks like yourself who don't feel up to confronting false teachers that over time collectively have gotten us in this inclusive mess we're in. I must say I am guilty as charged myself many times.
Satan targets the church. That's you and me. That's where the light is. You and me are called to know our salvation and stand against false teachers. We as Christians don't have any power to 'heap any condemnation' on anyone, that's Gods job. We do however have the power to stay awake and live according to the Spirit, earnestly contending for the faith.
One other note. While it is true God 'desires' all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, God also has decreed an eternal purpose that transcends His desires/feelings.
Inclusivism is the most lazy and unloving thing a Christian could ever consent to.
Philness, By collectively I was referring to the organized church. So I was agreeing to the need for Gods order. My point was more to do with how the church deals with the lost. The article stated that the foundational truths in the scripture are not inclusive. This is not accurate, Jesus said "For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it." There is a time of judgment, but that time is not now. Salvation is for the lost, it's all about the lost. There the ones who need it. Jesus came that they (that's you and me) could be included in the kingdom of God. As for being called to stand against false teachers, I disagree. My calling is the sane one Jesus had, to preach the truth. salvation to the lost. If you wish to be distracted by religious in fighting feel free. One last thing, Gods eternal purpose in regard to man is to reconcile us with him, that is his desire. To include us not exclude. That is the most loving gesture of all. Peace brother.
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